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The Mothering Myself Podcast

Oct 28, 2019

Have you ever felt like you have to shrink your truth because of the people - family members or friends who surround you? We are each entitled to our own story, and we are allowed for our stories to transform over time. We are each responsible to generate our own narrative, out of the events of our lives, that empowers us to be who it is we are. In our personal truth, we are not responsible for another’s reaction to our story.  Our reactions offer insight into the unresolved areas of ourselves that may or may not be of importance for us to work through.

This episode acknowledges the challenges of owning our stories out loud and the initial discomfort of sharing our truths.  It speaks to developing the courage to live fearlessly and to powerfully show up for ourselves in our lives, in order to model to others what this looks like.


Instagram: @motheringmyselfpodcast